Camp Howze and Camp Shanks

Basic Training

In the U.S. Preparing to Sail Overseas 
At Camp Howze in Texas 
From Camp Hood near Gainesville Texas, to
Camp Shanks in New York 

Aug 24, 1944

I am not sure when Frank Block was called up from the
Texas. It was sometime late in the summer of 1944.
Because he was taking classes in aerial map studies he was
 assigned to something other than an infantry man
on the front lines. He
 ended up being an anti-tank operator of
the 410th
 Infantry, right behind the front lines. 

Not much was known of their upcoming mission as things
were kept secret. The Army didn't want any info leaking out,
even that Frank's division was going overseas. However

 they pretty much guessed they were going to Europe.

 Aug 29, 1944

Frank Block became part of a 57mm anti Tank Gun squad .
Dad practiced loading and firing the gun at Camp Howze.

This is the anti tank 57 caliber gun that was
the weapon of the anti tank units. 

The anti tank weapon is designed to not necessarily fire
 a big shell, but  one with high velocity to penetrate the heavy
armor of a tank.

Aug 30, 1944

I. S. I.  In Service Inspection
Dad and fellow soldier playing around at Camp Howze.
(gun was not loaded) 

Sept 2, 1944

On Sept 2  they also loaded non-T.A.T. (To Accompany
Troops)  equipment which are night goggles, gas masks.
  that would go to Camp Shanks to the P.O.E.

Which means Point of Embarkation,  often called "last stop
 USA" where they would board ship for Europe. 

They boarded a train and left not knowing where they  were
going. The "buzz" was they were going to New York for their
 final staging. 
Sept 24, 1944

Their thoughts were right. They knew they were getting on a
 ship but where they were sailing to, and what enemy theater
 had them all on pins and needles. No one had seen the
enemy yet. The fun was about to begin.

Go here for the ....

Gallery of Camp Howze Pictures

Camp Howze Gallery 

Stan Durowa and Wife 

Stan became the real leader of Frank Block's platoon. 

At Camp Howze 

Bill Parsons and Wife. Bill in a different squad but they both worked on the diary together  that this blog is based on. 

Soldiers at Gainesville Training Center 

May 1944, The Sky Vue Club, Dallas Texas 


  1. What a great job you've done bringing the diary to life Stephen!

    1. Thank you sir,
      I appreciate your comments.
      Any suggestions on how to make it easier to read as well.
      Did you have a relative fight in WW2?
